
Wednesday 12 October 2011

This is us # 2: Me - Kelly

I've just realised, I have an inner hippie trying to get out! The evidence is stacking up:
- I love wearing bub in a sling
- breastfeeding on demand
- composting
- growing my own veggies
- getting fresh eggs from my mum or best friend's chooks (sadly, our yard isn't big enough for chooks)
- baking from scratch
- learning to make my own toys and clothes

And, I'm getting excited at finding great recipes and tutorials for making my own cleaning and beauty products!

Now, to seasoned hippie or natural living types this list (and self-revelation) is probably not that convincing. But it is like I have just had an 'a-ha' moment, and I feel really quite chuffed about it (and on a side note, I always use 'chuffed' to mean pleased to bits, while my partner always understood it to mean displeased - checking the dictionary it means both! Love it).

Anyway, one major revelation is probably enough sharing about me for today!

Wookie and me (next to our wonderful newly built compost)
Thanks for reading, Kelly


  1. You're an actual british blogger aren't you? from photos and language! hurrah! I almost never see a fellow Brit in blogland!

  2. I'm from part of the Empire ;-), but from the land down under :-) I just popped over to your blog - and I love your lego names!

  3. Omgoddess! The couple who are the reason dh and I met had a Wookie dog! He passed and I'm glad to know there's another Wookie still out there!


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