
Wednesday 16 November 2011

It's flower paint!

Master D loves to use his dad's tools; screwdrivers, spanners and especially hammers! So when I came across flower pounding on Rhythm of the Home (love that site!) I knew we had to give it a try!

Master D carried my little basket from when I was small, and we wandered around the garden choosing our flower palette. We picked lavender, bottle brush, pansies, love in the mist and many others.

When I got the hammers out and helped Master D lay his flowers on paper, with tea towels on top, he seemed rather curious! What would we use the hammer for?! Once he saw what to do, off he went - pounding away happily.

He kept peeking as he went, and when he saw what was happening cried 'it's flower paint!'

Flower paint indeed :-) thanks for reading, Kelly


  1. How fun! I must try this in the springtime when we have some flowers again! Thanks for linking up with us at the Outdoor Play Party!

    We'd love for you to let your readers know that they can find you there by posting our button and linking it back to the party.

    Hope to see you again next week!

  2. Thanks Mama Pea Pod, and yup, we've got your button on the right hand side (with our other linky party buttons) :-)

  3. I've seen this before but never tried it. Of course I would be hard pressed to find any flowers right now but I will definitely hold this idea for spring.

    Blessings, Debbie

  4. Cool! I have never heard of this before and it's such a great idea! My kids would love this...totally going to do this next spring (winter has already taken over where I live.)

    Would you mind sharing this with my readers?

  5. Fun- my monkeys loved doing this project too- I remember doing it as a child.
    Here is our post for flower petal art:

  6. What great fun, I read your post and thought "we've done this before, it's been a while, we should do it again!" Then I realized that it was my flower pounding post you were linking to on Rhythm of the Home! Your little one did a great job! My kids love flower pounding too! Popped over from Natural Suburbia... :)

  7. Oh how cool! Did the colors stay that bright for a while?

  8. I love blogging - when I wake up in the morning, I'm often lucky enough to find lovely people have left me comments to read - thank you!

    Shiloh - we did the flower pounding a few days ago, and so far the colour has held :-)

  9. Veyr cool - what a fun idea! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a GREAT Thanksgiving & see you next week, Beth =-)

  10. I love it, Kelly! We did something similar in our summer time/ beginning of autumn. Thank you for sharing at Crafty Moms Share!

  11. Thanks for linking up this idea with the Play Academy - I love it! Have shared it on our facebook page too :)

  12. What a fantastic idea!!! I'll have to give this a go this afternoon!!!!!!!!!

  13. I've seen this idea before and wanted to try it. I have two boys who love to use daddys tools. I will have to try this next spring. I really like how dark the flower paint turned out.

  14. I've never seen this before but I know my son would love to use a hammer to make art. Thanks for sharing all your fabulous ideas with us!!

  15. Great idea! I've featured this at today's Craftastic & Kids Can Craft Link Parties. Stop by & grab a Featured On button. Thanks for linking up:)

  16. What a great idea! I think even my older kids would love this activity--thanks for sharing.

  17. Wonderful ideas! I'm following you. I hope you visit my blog: Kindergarten for Teachers and Parents.

  18. What a neat idea! I love how they turned out too. Using a hammer to paint would be a big hit over here.

  19. Wow, brilliant idea. My children would love that. Thanks for linking to Fun Sparks. x

  20. I adore this!!!

    Thank you for sharing on Hey Mom, Look What I Did at Adventures In Mommy Land...hope to see you again soon!!

  21. I could see this lovely activity being made into a cute little children's book called "Flower Paint." I love it. What a great idea.

    So glad you shared with me on Monday Madness. I really love each one of your posts so much.

  22. This is amazing! I have never seen this before. What a fun excuse to use a hammer ;) Thanks again for linking up at Thrifty Thursday at Playing With Words 365!

  23. ok - that is to bring beauty!

  24. Such a great idea. I will have to give this a try with my granddaughter.

  25. We LOVE flower pounding! Thanks for sharing with us at Eco-Kids! I hope you will come link up with us again this week!!


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