
Saturday 5 November 2011

Aussie damper and dinosaur biscuits

My brothers and I used to love making damper on the camp fire or bbq. We would all search for the perfect stick to wrap it around before holding it in the coals to cook. Once it was slightly burnt (well that's how we rolled) we would pull it out and smother it in jam or honey - yumo!

One of the great things about having children is sharing the things you loved as a kid with them :-) So today we got the brazier burning and made some damper.

We used:
  • 2 cups self raising flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons butter
  • 1 cup milk
Mix the butter and dry ingredients together before adding milk to make a good dough. Then wrap around your stick and place it in the coals. Or for a more civilised version wrap the dough in foil and place on top of the brazier (my husband convinced me to go this way last night). Once it is burnt (hee hee) or cooked for around 20 minutes pull it out and add jam or honey :-)

We also made some super yummy chocolate dinosaur biscuits this week:
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3/4 cup self raising flour
  • 125 g butter
  • 125 g caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • few drops of vanilla
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa
Cream butter and sugar before adding the egg and vanilla. Next add the flour and cocoa - mix until it is dough like.We then made small slightly flat biscuit balls before pressing plastic dinosaurs into them. Cook at 160° for around 20 minutes (this mix is also yummy raw)!

 Thanks for reading, Kelly


  1. I've never heard of "damper" before, but anything cooked over a fire is always good fun. It would be a good alternative to roasting marshmallows (which are all corn syrup and just make me feel gross and get my kids all hyped up!) Sound like a fun project for a cool fall night!

    Thanks for linking up! My goal is to have a button next week!

  2. Found my way here from the Magic Onions. I love this idea. It's bread on a stick! I can't wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Fun recipes! I love the little Dinosaur cookies, what a wonderful idea to press in a dinosaur shape. These would be very fun to make!

  4. What wonderful recipes! Thank you for sharing them at Crafty Moms Share.

  5. Oh I loved making damper when I was a kid!! We used to do it at school as well.

    Biscuit recipe looks fun too- will try it soon with my toddler. We don`t have any dinosaur shapes but I think he would like stars!

  6. We cook damper all the time when we have BBQ's and we make it the same! Nothing better than warm damper with butter and jam just cooked on an open fire.

  7. 2 new recipes froma culture different than mine. They look like fun to make and delicious to eat as well. I would love to try these. Thanks for sharing on Monday madness!

  8. I have never heard of Damper before either! I might have to try it! Your dino cookies look yummy too.

    Thanks for linking to Science Sparks. xx

  9. That is a fantastic idea! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us on The Sunday Showcase

  10. I love this idea. My kids would go for this in a heartbeat and I would love it too! Anything with butter and jam. Yumm. I also like that dinosaur cookies. What an easy idea to press the dinos in the cookies to make them that way. I am pinning both these ideas. Thanks for sharing on Monday Madness.

  11. By the way, I am featuring your post tomorrow at the linky party! So glad you shared.

  12. Thanks so much Laura :-) I hope you have fun making them with your kids!

  13. Great recipes :-) Would the damper work if you separated it into smaller portions (eg rolls)??

  14. Thanks Bungle :-) and yup you can make smaller portions, just adjust your cooking time - enjoy!

  15. i've never heard of these before, but they look yummy! thanks for linking this up to last week's tip-toe thru tuesday party! i hope to see you again this week!

    andie @ crayonfreckles

  16. Thanks for stopping by my own damper post ;)

    Damper has been on our brains lately as we've been collecting sticks for a campfire in the backyard. But once we were ready, the rains have begun! So, biscuits it is.

    I completely agree with the sharing fave things from our own childhood. I find I do that so often ღ


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!