
Sunday 11 December 2011

Christmas tree hunt and bush BBQ

One of my absolute favourite Christmas traditions is our tree hunt followed by a bush BBQ.

Usually close to dusk we head off to visit our friend's property. They have lots of wonderful potential Christmas trees to choose from. We go with our good friends Fraggle and Mo, and this year their Italian cousin came too :-)

We trek into the bush looking for the tree that *speaks* to us. Stopping to look at critters along the way.

For me the smell of pine trees is 'Christmas' as I always had a real tree growing up. And choosing a tree is half the fun anyway :-) Here's our tree!

After our tree hunt we head towards a river where we set up a camp fire. Along the way we spotted kangaroos :-) I'll have to keep my camera on the ready next time!

The lads collected the wood and got our fire burning bright.

We cooked up our bush burgers; minute steaks with a yummy salad on fresh rolls.

Before eating some camp oven baked damper dripping with honey (recipe here).

We all head home late, well satisfied, tired, and happy :-)

The next day we decorated our tree and, as Master D said, 'it's beautiful!'.

Warm wishes, Kelly


  1. This is awesome! You definitely go on Christmas tree hunts a little differently in Australia. :) Here in the states it usually involves going to a Christmas tree farm (usually in a parking lot somewhere) and choosing out a tree.

    The Australian version has my vote!

    Stopped by from Moments to Remember.

  2. Oh, how fun!! Definitely different then I remember my tree hunts. Now we have an artificial tree. Steve is afraid--no paranoid--of fire. I can't argue with him since he is an electrical engineer and has seen the damage electricity can do. It sounds like tree hunts are much nicer in warmer weather. And to see kangaroos as well. How exciting. Beautiful tree!

  3. Makes me want to go camping again! What a great memory

  4. Oh my, I just stumbled upon your blog.... what a sweet treat! Haha, your little baby in the header is soooooo cute!!! That smile! I love when they get all giggly (I have three almost four little ones under five!) I love your little gnomey/fairy doors, so enchanting and adorable! I need to buy one and put one of my Waldorf dolls next to it (I make Waldorf dolls). SO happy to be in a like-minded community! I'll be back for sure ;P

    {Woodland Woolens}

  5. Sounds like a great evening and what a cheery little tree!

  6. Visiting from the HHH :)

    What a wonderful tradition - looks like tons of fun! Enjoy your season of celebrating Christ!

    Blessings, Carlie @ So You Call Yourself A Homeschooler? currently living in Deutschland

  7. How cool is that, my children and I are studying about Australia and have heard of damper bread:) Would love it if you link up to the Field trip hop for home schoolers and share your wonderful tradition

  8. *looks out of the window at the snow and rain* As much as I love having Christmas in a cold climate, your version is sounding incredibly appealing right now! Looks like a lot of fun :)

  9. Mmm... I want to join in that bbq!! I'd love it if you'd link up to "Food Adventure Friday!"

  10. Wow - thanks so much for linking up this week & I am so jealous of your BBQ in the bush. Thanks for giving me a glimpse of Christmas Down Under.

  11. You make me a little homesick. The "perfect" Christmas tree was always very imperfect where I grew up, in NZ. Lol, lots less pressure.:)

  12. Wow, this seems so unusual to me! We've gone Christmas tree hunting in the wild before, but there are certainly no BBQs or kangaroos involved! Such a different world! :-) Thanks so much for sharing with us at the Outdoor Play Party! (BTW, we now have a grab button available, so feel free to come grab it to post either in your sidebar or within your linked posts). Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  13. Now that sounds like a fabulous way to Christmas tree hunt! Short sleeves and BBQs sound awfully inviting right now ;)

    Thanks so much for linking up!!!

  14. A tree hunt - what FUN!! And a BBQ ~ perfect =-) Thanks for linking up to TGIF!! Merry Christmas,
    Beth =-)

  15. This really looks like a great tradition! The BBQ food sounds yummy!

    I hope you will link this post to my Christmas Traditions Link Up in the Other category. It starts tomorrow!

  16. sounds like an awesome tradition come see what we have been up to at

  17. Love your Christmas tree! I wish we had Christmas trees like that here! Sounds like a lovely day!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!