
Wednesday 1 February 2012

Yarn Along-ing

Since last week's Yarn Along I think I have knitted two rows of my bonnet (lol). Despite the lack of knitting progress I thought I would post because it helps me keep knitting on the mind!

Here is another shot of my lovely vintage pattern (sorry about the photo it is already dark here!).

 And I also have this gorgeous jumper that my mum knitted for Master D to show off!

My older brother had the same jumper knitted by our nana when he was around Master D's age, isn't that lovely :-)

And here is the cause of my lack of knitting progress - my new toy, the scroll saw. It is lots of fun, but eats up any free time I happen to find, evidence available here and here.

I'm still reading A Clash of Kings which is keeping me well entertained ;-) What a plot! And I also managed to finish Beyond the Rainbow Bridge. I've passed it to Husband of Mine to read now. For me the book confirmed the path we have chosen for our little ones, and that is always nice to find. It has also inspired me to tell my kids more stories rather than read them. Master D seems to love my stories which is lovely and rewarding.

What are you knitting and reading at the moment? Joining Ginny and the gang for another Yarn Along.

Warmly, Kelly