
Thursday 5 January 2012

Happy lil ❤'s are baking!

When I was little I used to bake with my Mum and Nana. I'd stand on a chair so I could stir the bowl. And I loved getting to lick the spoon! Sound familiar to anyone?

Now baking with my little ones is part of our weekly rhythm.

I'd love for us all to share what we bake with our little ones (and not so little ones) and hopefully inspire each other! Family favourites, new recipes, traditional or cultural recipes - you name it, we'd like to read about it and if you include the details, try them out :-) Below is a linky list to join in the fun and start sharing.

So to kick us off, one of my favourite biscuits to make was (and still are) Yo Yos.

You need:

1 cup self raising flour
1/2 cup custard powder
1/3 cup icing sugar
2/3 cup (170 g) butter

Mix all the ingredients together until you have a stiff dough.
Roll the dough into balls and then slightly flatten them with a fork
(I always loved getting to squish them and Master D does now!).

Bake at 170° for 15-20 minutes.

They taste great joined together with jam or butter icing.
This time however we just used a simple icing and sprinkles.
Don't kids love sprinkles they're like *edible glitter*!

These biscuits make me think of the treats the Magic Faraway Tree kids would have eaten.

We can't wait to see what you are baking! 

~ Please link up and use our button so others can join in the fun (until I have the code sorted you can add the button by right clicking on it and selecting 'save image as'. You can then add it as a picture to your blog with my blog address).

~ I'd also love for you to follow us :-)

Warm wishes, Kelly