
Wednesday 4 January 2012

On the 'go slow'

Since Christmas my crafting, knitting and baking pursuits have all been on the go slow.

My rainbow of gnomes is still slowly emerging. I'm knitting the violet gnome at the moment, and starting to sew them up.

Master D found red and orange, so they've already had rides in his truck and been nibbled by Little Miss Q. I hope reading about their slow emergence isn't too painful for you all! (And yes I did knit one more bunny to make it a family of three for Little Miss Q).

One thing I have been enjoying over the past two weeks is reading. I'm loving A Game of Thrones. It has a fantastic Machiavellian plot ;-) And I luckily found some time at the beach to enjoy it's twists and turns. And I'm also enjoying Beyond the Rainbow Bridge which I received at Christmas (thank you Husband of Mine).

Oh, and I have two bubs to knit for - I just found out an old school friend of mine is expecting and also a friend from work is, so I have to find a blanket or toy to knit for each of them. I might do a sampler style baby blanket like I made for Little Miss Q... but not sure yet...

Joining in with the Yarn Along :-)

Warmly, Kelly