
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Happy Family Times #2 ~ a birthday

Have you done something fun with your family? Carrie from Crafty Moms Share and I are hosting a new weekly link party ~ Happy Family Times ~ so we can share fun family ideas and hopefully inspire each other! So if you all danced one night, went for a walk, or enjoyed a special outing please link it up!

Birthdays are a magical time of celebration....

  A time to share with family...


And friends...

 Master D excitedly planned his daddy's birthday party recently...

He decided on streamers and balloons...

A wonderful hidden treasure cake...

And a lovingly handmade present...

Which he watched his daddy open with great anticipation...

 We had such a joyous time ~ children make these occasions so special!

 I can't wait to see what he plans for mine! ;-)

We can't wait to see what your family has been doing!

~ please link up (family time oriented giveaways are ok, but please no Etsy shops)
~ use our button so others can join the fun (from the sidebar)
~ we'd love for you to follow us {Crafty Moms Share} and {Happy Whimsical Hearts}
~ check out our Happy Family Times Pintrest board where we will be pinning some of our favourite ideas 

Warmly, Kelly