
Thursday 19 April 2012

Happy lil ❤'s are baking #16 ~ and a giveaway

What did you bake or cook with your kids this week?

Below is a linky list so you can join in the fun and start sharing what you bake with your kids! Family favourites, new recipes, cultural or traditional recipes - you name it, we'd like to read about them, and if you include the details, try them out :-) 

This week we made apple, plum and berry crumble for dessert *smile*
We used our new cookbook ~ Helpings: real food for young people by young people by Charlotte Wood and friends

{my copy ~ bookmark and all}
This is a great cookbook about using real food so we can remember what food should taste like.
Think fresh seasonal produce from your own garden, farmers market or your friend's veggie patch.

The recipes are super easy to follow and have options for different budgets and dietary needs.
And there is even some good humour, and interesting facts and figures thrown in!
 For more about the book click here.

And I'm very excited because... I have a copy for one of you!!
(Thank you to The New Literacy Programme)

To enter, leave me a comment...

For extra entries:
- 'like' Helpings on facebook
- share this giveaway on facebook 
(just pop back to tell me you did)

{giveaway closes on 30 April}

For our crumble we used what we had on hand...
Apples, frozen raspberries and last season's stewed plums.

After preparing the fruit we stirred it up over a low heat with some honey.

For the crumble we mixed flour, oats, coconut, brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, together with some vanilla essence.

Put it all together and dollop some butter here and there *smile*

What a hit for dessert!!

{my camera battery ran out straight after this pic!}
I know we are going to use this cookbook all the time!
And I bet the kids will enjoy using it on their own as they get older too *smile*

We can't wait to see what you've been up to in the kitchen with your kids!

~ Please link up
~ Use our button (from the sidebar) so others can join the fun
~ I'd also love for you to follow us, and why wouldn't you want to ;-)
~ And check out Kids in the Kitchen for more ideas and to link up

Happy baking, Kelly