
Thursday 21 June 2012

Happy lil ❤'s are baking ~ Bread and Jam Pudding

What did you bake or cook with your kids this week?

Below is a linky list so you can join in the fun and start sharing what you bake with your kids! Family favourites, new recipes, cultural or traditional recipes - you name it, we'd like to read about them, and if you include the details, try them out :-) 

With the cold weather here we made Bread and Jam Pudding!

It is just like bread and butter pudding without the sultanas and using jam instead
{I'm not fond of sultanas in hot food....}

We used:

5 slices of white bread
strawberry jam 
2 eggs
2 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 cups milk
vanilla to taste

Dino Boy spread jam on the bread before eating a piece and going to eat another!
{we started with 6 pieces, but 5 ended up been fine}

Then we placed our bread in our dish...

Next we made a simple custard.... firstly we beat the eggs and sugar

Then we added the milk and vanilla ~ beating some more for a smooth consistency
Dino Boy then poured it carefully over the bread
Before sprinkling nutmeg on top

Into the oven it went for about 45 minutes at 180°C (350F)

We enjoyed ours warm for dessert, served with a good vanilla ice cream *smile*


We can't wait to see what you've been up to in the kitchen with your kids!

~ Please link up
~ Use our button (from the sidebar) so others can join the fun
~ I'd also love for you to follow us, and why wouldn't you want to ;-)

Happy baking, Kelly 

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