
Tuesday 10 July 2012

Happy Family Times ~ when they are sleeping

Have you done something fun with your family? 

Carrie from Crafty Moms Share and I host  ~ Happy Family Times ~ so we can all share fun family ideas and hopefully inspire each other! So if you all danced one night, went for a walk, or enjoyed a special outing please link it up!

One of my favourite things to do as a mum is to look in on my sleeping children...

It never fails to bring a wave of love and tenderness pouring through me
{even as I write this I am feeling the love *smile*}

Seeing their eyelashes caressing their plump rosy cheeks
The way they curl up cuddling their mama made doll...

How they turn their bedding into a nest {because that is how some dinosaurs sleep... yes really}

Or feel they need a sofa on their bed *hee hee*

 I like to pull their blankets up and gaze contentedly at them...
It always brings out tenderness... no matter how tired I am, how busy the day has been
It gives me a moment to pause and reflect

~ ❤ ~

We can't wait to see what your family has been doing!
~ please link up (family time oriented giveaways are ok, but please no Etsy shops)
~ use our button so others can join the fun (from the sidebar)
~ we'd love for you to follow us {Crafty Moms Share} and {Happy Whimsical Hearts}
~ check out our Happy Family Times Pintrest board where we will be pinning some of our favourite ideas

Warmly, Kelly

1 comment:

  1. I have do many photo of my children sleeping - aren't they lovely. Thanks for hosting


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!