
Thursday 19 July 2012

Happy lil ❤'s are baking ~ famiglia&seoul

This month we have a wonderful treat ~ guest posts for Happy lil ❤'s are baking ~ from some wonderful blogger friends! Today Gina from famiglia&seoul and her super cute son are sharing a yummy muffin recipe with us. Reading Gina's blog is like dipping into a love letter written to her son, it is wonderfully heartfelt, and always leads to me reminiscing about my childhood *smile*

It has been quite a while since I had my little toddler in the kitchen helping me to bake.  Too much time, in fact.  That's why I was thrilled to be doing a guest post here at Happy Whimsical Hearts - especially for Happy lil ❤'s are baking!  So, I herded my little guy into the kitchen this past weekend to be my assistant while making some yummy Chocolate Chip Cherry Muffins.  He's never had fresh cherries before, so I thought this would be a great way to introduce them!

We got started mixing up all of the dry ingredients one at a time.  He just loves pouring the cups and small teaspoons into the large mixing bowl after I measure them out!


After all of the dry ingredients were added, I added the eggs and gave him a little hand with the milk.  He could spend all day mixing the batter, around and around.  He's had plenty of practice with his own special mixing bowl and spoon that we keep in his little play kitchen. 

Then came the fun part! Adding the chopped cherries and chocolate chips.  When I handed my little guy the cups of each he decided to take his adding each piece one by one!!  After a while, I finally encouraged him to dump the remaining chips in the bowl! 

The next task was perfect for your little hands.  You took each of the muffin cups and placed them on the muffin tin, waiting to be filled.

I started out by giving you a bit of instruction on how to fill the muffin cups, but of course, you added your own little flair to it.  It was apparent that you wanted to make sure the batter stayed right where you put it, so you proceeded to pat the mixture into the cups after they were filled!

Ahh, the joys of having a toddler in the kitchen!  That's alright, I think I made an even bigger mess than he did with the flour.  After patiently waiting for the muffins to bake and cool, you dug right into sampling.  I was so excited to see that you enjoyed the muffins and even the extra cherries I had lying on the plate! Mmmm, delish!

Seeing Gina's happy lad with the cherries brought such a smile to my face...
...and what wonderful memories they are creating!

And now, we can't wait to see what you've been up to in the kitchen with your kids!

~ Please link up
~ Use our button (from the sidebar) so others can join the fun
~ I'd also love for you to follow us, and why wouldn't you want to ;-)

Happy baking, Kelly   

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