
Saturday 10 November 2012

Making a farm & a giveaway

Lately I have been making bits and pieces of a farm set...
Some horses, ducks and a pig *smile*

    All to go with a knitted farm... 
 And most recently I made some scarecrows *smile*

So when my lovely friend Aleta from Hinterland Mama asked...
....whether I would like to share something with our readers

I knew just what I'd like to share *smile*

 And this lucky scarecrow has a lovely handcrafted wool felt veggie plot to watch over...
...complete with teensy tiny little vegetables

Made by the talented and lovely Aleta...
And in case you haven't 'met'...

Aleta and her lucky family live in the Hinterland region of the Sunshine Coast in Australia. With her partner and their two gorgeous little boys, she encourages a creative & healthy home... Writing her blog to record and share their journey

With love and respect for our wonderful planet, I endeavour to eat, grow, shop and create as econ-consciously as I am able. Come along and visit Hinterland Mama to discover children's activities, new recipes and plenty of creativity and craft

So for your chance to win this unique Christmas gift ~ pop on over to Hinterland Mama!

AND THE WINNER IS... Ronnie from Homemade Happy

Good luck,

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